Volunteer Event: Join CoreNet Philly with FABSCRAP Philly

When:  Jul 18, 2024 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Philadelphia

Join CoreNet Philly and help us protect the environment and support sustainable fashion by volunteering with FABSCRAP Philly followed by a networking happy hour at the BOK building.


FABSCRAP is the premier solution for the fashion industry to recycle and redistribute unused materials. It’s the most accessible resource for consumers to find fabrics, trims, leather, and yarn that have been saved from landfills.

Join us in our mission to save designer textiles from ending up in landfills! Volunteer alongside CoreNet members to sort through fabric samples and swatches, remove paper headers, and fold large, usable fabrics to ensure they can be reused.

Gain Valuable Insights

This is a great opportunity to understand the deconstruction of sample garments, learn what types of items are donatable or mendable, and see how materials are processed for reuse or recyclability.

Network and Connect

Network with other CoreNet members and expand your professional connections while doing something impactful. Volunteers will also enjoy a 20-minute tour of our warehouse and operations, giving you a unique insight into how we make a difference in fashion recycling.


1901 S Ninth St. Unit B05A
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Event Image